Despite continued media fears about new COVID waves, travel restrictions have only undergone minor changes, so it’s unlikely you’ll need to worry about limitations changing between now and the New Year! Most changes include increased testing requirements for pre-departure and post-arrival, and countries being stricter on your vaccination status to be able to enter. 

When travelling, Here's What You Should Know

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the necessity (or desire) to fly and travel both internationally and domestically is increasing for many people. Some haven’t seen relatives in two years, and many who have not been able to holiday abroad are finally taking the opportunity to do so. 

There's no avoiding the reality that any commercial flight will put you into close contact with a large number of other individuals and a range of routinely touched surfaces - both at the airport and on the aircraft. And, given what we know about COVID-19, such as that someone may be ill and not realize it, boarding a busy aircraft these days can be a little nerve-racking. 

  • Private Jet Charter is Better for Travelling Abroad

By travelling privately, you immediately eliminate the risk from other passengers who you don’t know. The only people you share the cabin with are your own group. You also have fewer crew on board who will be undergoing frequent testing, helping reduce your overall exposure to people. 

  • Avoid the Airport Crowds

Flying by private jet also means that you don’t travel through the main terminal, where it’s near enough inevitable that you are in close proximity to a huge number of people. 

The FBO sees significantly fewer people each day, and it’s easier for staff to implement cleaning and covid-safe measures between groups of passengers. 

  • High Levels of Hygiene Onboard

Cleaning measures on a private jet are equally strict, and the cabin will always be deep cleaned and fumigated between flights (which isn’t always possible if a commercial airline has a quick turnaround. 

  • Fly direct—Avoid Connections.

Private jet travel gives you the added convenience of avoiding connecting flights and additional travel, where you aren’t limited to commercial routes. You also get access to much smaller airports for departure and at your destination, meaning you have much more control over limiting your exposure to crowds and other groups of people. 

For any queries about travel during the pandemic, testing requirements for your destination, we’re here to help. Private jet travel gives you the luxury of being as bespoke and as safe as it can possibly be, completely bespoke to your own needs. For more information, or to book your next trip, reach out below or give us a call on 0161 529 7470.
